August Monthly Objectives- Preparing for a Successful School Year with myBlueprint

Roxanne Malcolm
Published in
4 min readAug 29, 2022


Black board with the words Back to School (written in white chalk) and the words Goal Setting below it.
Image from The Reading Roundup

We are entering into a new school year. Welcome Back! To support you with the myBlueprint implementation process, you will find two newsletter drafts (one for K-6 and one for 7–12) that can be shared with your colleagues and/or school teams for June with a focus on the Year-in-Review.

Looking for our top implementation ideas for the month of August?

Scroll down to the bottom of today’s blog post to learn more!

K-6 Newsletter (or K-7)

Title: Goal setting for student success

“Goal setting is powerful because it provides focus.” ~ Jim Rohn

We hope you had a relaxing and enjoyable summer holiday! As we prepare for the new school year ahead, we want to help you to start off strong and that is why our first newsletter is dedicated to Goal Setting.

Research states that it is best to start teaching students the skill of goal setting early! Promoting Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely (S.M.A.R.T.) goal setting is an actionable way for educators to support elementary students in developing a clear pathway to success while embedding critical thinking skills into the classroom. Goal setting will further promote students’ self-reflection and encourage the development of a growth mindset from their early years.

Goal setting is also an excellent strategy to ensure your students start the new school year off on the right track and can have a significant positive influence on their achievement. August is the perfect time to identify opportunities for growth and development and set goals for the new school year with S.M.A.R.T goal setting activities.

Here are some tips to support Goal Setting with your students:

  1. Discuss and have students create S.M.A.R.T goals related to their academics, cross-curricular activities, competencies, and pathway plans using the Goal Setting Lesson Plans (K, 1–3, 4–6)
  2. Review Feedback Ideas and Tips for Educators for best practices to encourage and empower students throughout the reflective process through timely, positive, and constructive feedback.
  3. Review, execute and share implementation ideas for All About Me with your colleagues

7–12 Newsletter

Title: Goal setting for student success

“Goal setting is a powerful tool and process.” ~ K.C. Rowntree

We hope you had a relaxing and enjoyable summer holiday! As we prepare for the new school year ahead, we want to help you to start off strong and that is why our first newsletter is dedicated to Goal Setting.

Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely or S.M.A.R.T. Goal Setting is not a new concept, and prompting and promoting the benefits of goal setting with students is an actionable way for educators to support students by developing a clear pathway to success while embedding critical thinking skills into the classroom. Better yet, goal setting promotes student self-reflection and encourages the development of a growth mindset.

Research further suggests that implementing goal setting is an excellent strategy for ensuring your students start the new school year off on the right track and can have a significant positive influence on student achievement. August is certainly the perfect time to begin to identify opportunities for growth and development and set goals for the new school year with S.M.A.R.T goal setting activities.

Here are some tips to support S.M.A.R.T Goal Setting in Education Planner:

  1. Review the S.M.A.R.T. Goal Setting guide and invite students to create new S.M.A.R.T. goals by following the Goal Setting Activity lesson plan. Easily implement goal setting into your classroom by using the S.M.A.R.T. Goals Implementation Resources that will make goal setting a manageable practice for student success.
  2. Use the S.M.A.R.T. Goal Setting Checklist and Conferencing Prompts (Page 3) to guide students.
  3. Invite students to read the Goal Setting Guide from the Guides section of their Education Planner student account.

myBlueprint Implementation Ideas for August

  1. Share our NEW interactive webinar options and sign-up for a live webinar session!
  2. Sign up for our Goal Setting for Student Success webinar or listen to the pre-recorded session. At the end of this webinar, you will be able to guide students through the S.M.A.R.T. goal implementation process using myBlueprint.
  3. Help students mindfully build upon essential competencies — August’s focus is Problem Solving. Have students watch S1E3 of Competencies without a Classroom and engage them in a discussion using the accompanying slide deck, teacher guide, and student handout.

Join the myBlueprint Community to stay up to date with all things myBlueprint, and interact with educators across Canada sharing implementation ideas and success stories.

Want to learn more? Email, sign up for a drop-in webinar or watch our bite-sized video tutorials.



Experienced and dedicated education professional with over 22 years of service in the industry.